Our Visit to Al Noor – By Alina Khan 9-C

I Alina Khan of grade 9-C, will be sharing my experience of visiting Al Noor. The reason we all had gone there because, that our school, DPS Sharjah, had decided to adopt a class and we all had gone to inaugurate it.

While visiting Al Noor, I realized the condition of the children over there. It was not as good as the condition of children of our school. Nevertheless, they still had their dreams and aspirations, perhaps even greater than ours. Even though their bodies and mind were different than other students, their ambitions were far beyond ours. For example, there was a 15-year-old girl named Maitha, who is just a year older than me, and suffers from cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a problem with muscle tone movement and motor skills. It hinders the body’s ability to move in a coordinated and purposeful way. Even with her condition, she is a great designer and makes dresses, many of which get showcased in the fashion shows. Even though she cannot move, and has to be in a motor wheelchair 24/7, she uses eye-gaze technology which enables Cerebral Palsy students to operate a computer. An eye-gaze camera tracks eye movement which in turn controls the mouse and that’s how she makes her designs.

While God has gifted us with everything we need, we still neglect it. The learning experience I had from Al Noor was priceless. I hope to come back to Al Noor, but not as a visitor but as a person to help the kids.

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