The End. By Charan Anup 7K
The clock ticks on, but feels so slow,A quiet storm begins to grow.A weight too deep, a voice too small,A heart that whispers, “End it ...
On but a blissful day, quiet and still,The trees have made their wayFor a heavenly sound, going miles around:A storm on a cold spring ...
I’m a little girl,Always tortured like never.I have feelingsWhich they are killing.The world needs peace;Similarly, I need ...
Bounty of Sunshine by Mirrudhula Krishnakumar, 8F
In the orchard’s golden embrace, Mangoes blush in the summer’s grace, Succulent whispers in every bite, Sun-kissed ...
Poem on Friendship by Grisha Chhallany, 7C
In the garden of life, a rare and precious bloom,My friend, you light up even the darkest room.With a heart so kind, and a spirit so ...
When I Was A Little Girl by Pranjal Agarwal, 6F
When I was a little girl,You wrapped me in a blanket of love.In my life, you were like a dove,While you did all your behoves,You never ...
Megan Louis’s poem
She stood in front of the mirror, observing her every “imperfection” The curve of her stomach, the scar on her thigh; So beautiful, so ...
Dusk by Aaliya Khan, 11E
Dusk will take over like a black cat’s stare the thick clouds will hug the sky as if a dare The days will be long, the nights; ...
The Choice by Aashi Alkesh, 11A
My mom loves cricket, She’d always secure a seat, never miss it, But what if her heart had never leaned toward it? Does a passion ...
Rain By Tanvi Pottekkat, 11E
Close you eyes and take in Those deep rich smells And the aroma that wafts From the ponds and the wells, Glance through the window At ...
My Cat by Jinan Ashik Rahman, 6C
I have a catThat always sits on the mat.My cat takes the batAnd loves to chase the rat.My cat loves fish,But she is so selfish.She ...
Save Earth by Devika Ram, 6C
The lush green leaves and the warm breezeAnd the little grass that tickles my feet!This greenery is truly nature’s art,So why should we ...
The day at the pool by Aminah Hayaz Kote, 6B
I came back from school.I was bored.I decided, let’s go to the pool.I asked my mum, and she said it’s okay, it’s cool.So I packed all ...
Life lesson by Charvi Santhoshi Derangula, 8F
Nobody’s perfect.We make mistakes.We say wrong things.We do wrong things.We fall, we get up.We learn, we grow.We move on, we live. ...
Bounty of Sunshine by Mirrudhula Krishnakumar, 8F
In the orchard’s golden embrace, Mangoes blush in the summer’s grace, Succulent whispers in every bite, Sun-kissed ...