Selfish by Sarah Mulla, 12-B

Lost in a sea of thoughts

Thoughts of the slant of your nose,

the curves of your lips,

And the words they spill.

Lost in a sea of thoughts

Thoughts of your voice,

As it reverberates in my bones,

and the breaths in between, stark against my frigid skin.

Lost in a sea of thoughts

Thoughts of your slender fingers

Playing with my dark locks

And leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

Lost in a sea of thoughts.

A sea of thoughts

Stark against the shore of reality

Where my world is threatening to rip into halves.

Where a fading, sputtering light calls for help.

Calls for help against a tyrant, overtaking darkness.

But my selfish soul delved deeper into the sea

Away from the fading light I promised I would never let die.

Away from the fading light that birthed my flame.

Into the undercurrents of my imagination

Into your warm embrace.

Is it too late to swim back up?

I hope


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