Rain By Tanvi Pottekkat, 11E

Close you eyes and take in

Those deep rich smells

And the aroma that wafts

From the ponds and the wells,

Glance through the window

At the inky mass in the sky

And watch out for the feathered clumps

Of birds flying by,

Breathe in that cool air

And listen carefully

To the calm before the storm

To the wind through the trees,

Wait and await

For the sound of the first drop

That’s your cue to run outside

And play till the rain stops!

Watch as the Earth becomes alive

As the creatures wake up and shiver

As the plants and trees begin to thrive

And the animals scatter hither and tither,

Lightning strikes and thunder crashes

The power goes out and soon

The dark sky is lit up with big, bright flashes

Lighting up even the new moon!

Rain is truly a magical time

Full of sensations and wonder

Next time it rains take a step outside

And enjoy the rain, the lightning and the thunder…

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