Experience of the disappearance – Time Travel is possible or is it?! By Adrian Caleb D’silva, 7I

There were six of us in all, myself the only conscious. I sat beside my friends, helpless in the maze of trees and darkness. It must have been hours until a gentle voice woke me up. Adrian, wake up. After I woke up I was completely confused, I forgot everything, literally everything. Suddenly, I was blinded by a bright light. My head hit a tall coconut tree and a coconut fell on my head. I fell unconscious. A few hours later, I woke up again recovered all my memories, and found that I had crashed in the middle of the jungle. I tried to make the other 5, but they wouldn’t budge not even move at all. I was scared to my tail. I ran away with extreme stress on what to do when a group of monkeys caught me and took them to their master, Master Ching. Master Ching was humongous and tall, he loudly yelled at me saying “What are you doing here puny human.” Considering he was twice my size, I thought that the best tactic was to keep my mouth shut, but Ching thought otherwise “Attack him!’” he said. 15 monkeys in all directions with stone spears came to kill me, but I suddenly got unconscious ‘again’. Fast forward, two hours later I woke up ‘again’ with a big Gorilla in front of me, I shivered from top to bottom. The gorilla said, “Fear not, my friend. I am here to help you, why did you go to the territory of Master Ching?”. “A few monkeys took me there,” I said “Why did you help me?”. “The monkeys are very cunning and they would do anything to eat a piece of human meat,” he said “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, Bruyne, Kevin Bruyne, nice to meet you.”. “My name is Adrian,” I said. “How did you end up here anyway?” he asked. I said “A plane crashed here, right next to the tall coconut tree, and no one woke up. I got crazy and decided to take a walk and try to calm down.” “I know that place,” Bruyne said, “Let’s go and see what happened!”. While walking we talked to each other about our lives, human lives, and animal lives. Oh, how I desired to be an animal, and how he desired to be a human. Engrossed in the talks, we forgot that we had reached and we noticed that no one was there, even all their belongings. I thought that this could have been the most mysterious mystery of the 21st century. Kevin said, “I need to go to my thinking stone, the place where I get all my ideas.”. I thought it was weird but “Why not” I said. We reached the ‘stone’ quite fast compared to the time it took to reach the ruins of the plane crash. “Let’s start thinking,” he said and we did. A few minutes later I heard a voice scream “I got it! Let’s go!” I was completely scared but saw the Gorilla celebrating, literally. “Let’s go and ask the fox, he is the smartest in this vast jungle.” “Let’s go,” I said. On the way to meet the fox, we were talking about our lives. After an hour or so we reached our destination the house of the fox, the house was named: Crystal Palace. We knocked on the door and heard a high-pitched scream “Who is this” said the voice. My ear broke from the high pitch but Bruyne said “Me here!”. The door opened as soon as Bruyne had finished and out came a tall fox, “Hey bro” he said “What brings you to Crystal Palace?”. “I brought a friend with me,” said Bruyne. “Is it a human?” said the Fox excitedly. “Matter of fact, it is!” Bruyne. “Yay!” said the fox “My first time meeting you, the name is Strange, Doctor Strange”. “Hey Strange,” I said. The fox kindly interrupted whispering to me “He loves humans and everything about them, modes of transport, food, clothes, everything. I’m not kidding!”. “Oh my,” I said “Someone’s obsessed”. We giggled. The fox asked me “What happened?”. I and Kevin explained the whole story. “Oh is it,” said Strange “Well, I could do a deal with you.”. “What deal” I said thinking that I found the solution. “If you tell me all you know about human lives, I will help you find the 5 other passengers.”. “All right,” I said. For the next 2 hours, I told them all I knew, how we were born to what we do in life. “Thank you, Thank you,” the doctor said. “I might tell the same thing to you tomorrow,” I said. “Not tomorrow, after 15 years maybe” he replied. I was stunned. “The time paradox,” he said “The other 5 passengers have gone ahead in time, due to the impact of the crash and how far the plane came from. When I went to Harvanimal University, I found out that Jetlag + High Impact = Time Travel, but the only problem was when would the time travel and to when would they time travel. They punctured the fabric of time, because of the high impact.”. “Oh my god” I said “What do we do to bring them back?”. “First, we need to find out what day they are in, going there is no problem!” said Dr. Strange. “How will we find out where they are?” I said “I mean when.”. He replied “That, my friend is a bit hard to do, but I will try my best.” I was disappointed in myself, why did I take the flight to Barcelona, when I could have gone on a train, a ferry, but there was no time to think about it. “What was done, is done and I can’t change” voice in my head said. Now, let’s find the other 5 passengers I screamed. “I got an idea” said the fox “Take me to the plane crash”. “All right” I said. On the way to the ruins of the plane crash, Dr. Strange and Kevin told me about life as an animal. How fun it was! Finally, we reached the plane wreck! The fox inspected the damage and found out that the plane had crashed at the speed of 657 km/h. He asked me where the flight was from and its destination. After immense calculation, he found out that they went 67 years 6 months, and 167 days forward in time. After calculation again we realized that we had to go to February 10th, 2080. I asked the Doctor “How do we create a puncture in time?”. “Well,” he said, “We have to do a fire ritual”. “How long will it take” I asked. He replied “About 10 minutes or so, but it will take an extra 10 minutes to set it up.”. After the ritual was over, a portal was built, they had to say the date and they would go to the time. They jumped in the portal and said in unison “February 10th 2080”. We reached the date and everything was different, flying cars, underground houses, everything was futuristic, even neon cities. “After roaming the jungle for an hour, we found them. They were confused seeing me with animals, so I explained the whole story. Then, a thought suddenly appeared in my mind, how do we go back? Then, I remembered! The fire ritual! We went back in time to the day before the flight and agreed to cancel the flight. Since that day I went on a flight, but I wrote a book about my experience of the disappearance, it is the book you are reading now!

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