Building Bridges Through Hope – Armaan Farooqui

Five years back,someone held my hand,my friend has stood beside me since then.

Come what may,he never left me.


Though sometimes I felt lost and hopeless……..

but that voice guided me on…….you must not give up

and filled me with hope endless.


Underneath the bed,behind the curtain quietly hid he,

hide and seek,peek a boo,he loved to play with me.

He was with me whispering,I know this road,

take my hand I will not leave you,so,

don’t give up-not now!

Roll up your sleeves,straighten your bruised heart,listen……..

fasten your belt and hasten your step.

Climb on the bridge that I am bringing to your doorstep.


He knows me quite well,I know him too.

I feel he is tired now and needs something new.

But what to give him,I fail to understand.

It definitely has to be useful,need not be grand.

He always showed me what my eyes could not see,

I am sure, this routine would continue to be.


My friend will be given new shoes I decide,

As he still has to walk beside me for a while.

Yes, my friend HOPE is wearing new shoes from today.


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