I am really astounded by the very word hope
Literally giving lot of scope
Be it to the entire humanity
Or diversified anecdotal of various eternities
Where are we moving?
Where is justice
It is only love with prejudice
People talk in length about women freedom
But only practised seldom
Women are set ablaze
For no mistake of them they are in a maze
Anger mounts like sea in heart
But inactive soul submerges it with zest
Where is hope in life?
It is full of jibe
Social media makes us narcissists.
While Screen time atrophies the brain.
People become gaming addicts
Rather than relishing nature’s verdicts
What are we aiming at?
Robotics life, mechanised heart?
Let us connect humanity
Move towards better sovereignty
Hopes can be ploughed and sowed
But can’t be enforced
Unless it is sowed deep in mind
Let us relish this year of tolerance
Rather travelling in a life of flamboyance
Let peace be the guide to our life
Let our mind eradicate hatredness from our life
We shall practice peace and harmony
And move together towards the enchanting harmony of Humanity