Poem Runner Up: Serendipity – Emin Babu

His Sundays mirror his Mondays
They couldn’t be told apart
Out, the wind would have brushed his face
But in he stays, in he stays
His head never leaves his palm
The door blocks his great escape
The four walled fortress has grown him wear
But in he stays, in he stays
His evenings filled with grief and desire
Destiny he blames, calls it a liar
Tumultuous times await him outside
So in he stays, in he stays
Standing by the window, he stood dazed
When the dawn shone red, at it he gazed
A striking sheet of hopeful light
Spoke to him in hindsight
For a momentary lapse, his spirits rose
Not to succumb again, he chose
Out he would step, yet again
When the time was right, when the time was sane
His Sundays still mirrored his Mondays
They couldn’t be told apart
But thoughts of him in the outside wind
Began to fade, slowly away
The four walled fortress, he came to admire
It’s chains he broke, walked it’s entire
Learning to fight, to dream again
While in he stays, in he stays.

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