Hidden Goodnesses of Human Life – Neha Sathish Nair 9B

In the present situation, we can see that the entire world is experiencing a pandemic. The researchers, medical caretakers, specialists, and so forth are working days and nights to bring us out of the struggles and give us a positive life ahead.

We should use time effectively. We have seen that human life has totally changed from when the COVID-19 pandemic has begun. We as a whole are compelled to remain at home to keep ourselves sound. We should take this in a positive manner, instead of finding the negative sides of it. There are numerous things we people can do during the hour of isolation. We should consider this to be a golden chance and start practicing our hidden hobbies which we have kept it in ourselves or accomplish something which we have never done. It can be anything of our choice! We can see that many people across the world are trying to help each other. Now we have started to interact with each other greatly using social media. Since people all over the world are now quarantined, we have started to understand the value of nature. We can also see that now people abide the difference between caste, religion, sex, creed, color and the whole world together is fighting against COVID-19.

We have consistently observed that human determination can do miracles. Let this isolation bring out the inner goodness of people. Let us together battle against COVID-19 and give a big salute to the social workers.

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