The Beyond
She is the epitome of elegance
Beautiful beyond reproach
Her emerald eyes hold such pain
Yet a smile is always etched on her face
When I was 9;
I was convinced that she was an angel
When I was 12;
I was sure that she was a warrior
I long to take away her pain
To see a real smile bloom on her face
She looks so different now, yet still looks the same
She held my hand when I was young
And now it’s my turn to do the same
I’m terrified that she will leave us
And go back to her rightful home
Among Charmeine and Gavreel
As this world does not deserve her
I watch as she deteriorates
And there’s nothing I can do
The thought of losing her
sends my heart into a frenzy
She told me that the grass is greener there
And the flowers are always in bloom
She said that the sound of laughter hangs in the air
And god himself stands at the archway
She is too pure for this blood stained world
An angel among demons
And perhaps when she returns to the great beyond
She will smile
And I will look up at the glimmering stars in the sky
And hear her radiant laughter
Nandini Mehrotra
President Editorial Board