‘For my Grandmother’- Poem by Mohammed Zafar Khan 10-H
. She is the wise eyes of the family subtle, humourous and bright benevolent, scholarly and erudite still full of vigour and vitality ...
‘Our day will come’- Poem by Nuha Maryam 11-C
Just been looking at the tower eternal time, Thoughts go further to the stars and beyond, Yet can’t do a deed of grace For this monster ...
‘UAE-A Gem in the Middle East’-Poem by Kashf Hasan 6-F
Once when I was walking, I heard someone talking They started talking to me asking about UAE “How would you describe this ...
‘Sauvez la beauté de la nature’- Poem by Ishan Nair 6-L
La rivière est bleue comme le ciel les montagnes sont vertes et hautes, tous les oiseaux qui volent et errent en paix, Toute cette ...
‘Qui suis-je ?’- French Poem by Shivangee Nair 8-F
Je suis une fleur mais j’ai plus peur Qu’est que c’est le passé, le présent, le futur ? Est-ce que je dois faire un grand tour ? Je ...
‘Nature En France’- French Article by Parvesh Balasujai 6-N
La France est pleine de nature pays j’aime la France à cause de sa nature. Ce sont quelques états de la nature. J’aime le ...
‘L’automne’- French Poem by Ayaan Wisal 6-K
L’automne Le soleil brille Les oiseaux gazouillent Les gens se battent toujours « Est-ce que le printempsest meilleur ou ...
‘Society’- Poem by Krishna Sajesh 9-G
Yes, I understand the law that we all abide by. The on where we can express and our thoughts don’t remain shy. But is this what ...
A collection of poems by Archisha Mukherjee 11-C
Remembrance A dusty pathway, brick-laid, unused, leads into empty corridors That wind inside a stocky building, with windows shuttered ...
‘The Phase’- Poem by Shriya Devendra 7 D
Is the mirror warped, or is it just my eyes? For all I see in it is a stomach full of lies. An angry, infuriated face To my parents, a ...
‘Peace Shall Exist’- Poem by Nishka Agarwal 8C
When the wars totally cease, In the world, there shall be peace. Fight for controls, fight for land. Most just need, a helping hand. ...