Melody of a Canary by Ethan Vaz, 7K
The miniature yellow bird trapped within the cage, Singing its melody like an opera on a stage. Has the urge to escape and be free, To ...
Poems about Poems by Pranav Sarin Nair, 8K
In silent whispers, ink dances,Words are woven with a subtle grace,Revealing the soul’s most hidden place.Each line a battle lost ...
Oh Environment by Anton Abraham, 7K
Oh, environment! Hope it’s not time for your retirement. Your trees are dying, And your fishes are crying. What can I do? To save you. ...
Tempus Itinerantur, by Nehal Ragesh 12-C
if i could go back in time id go back 8 monthsand beg not to change anything maybe it would be different now if i could go back in time ...
The Flaneur of Emotions by Tanaya Sharma, 12-B
Oh, to be the flaneur when it comes to experiencing the manifold, eerie but beautiful plethora of human emotions, To see from the ...
Black Birdies by Juwairiah Mohammed, 9-C
“Get up, it’s school time,” Mama said, The Black Birdies are singing a joyful tune, They are going to school, a beginning so new. ...
Moonlight Tryst by Shriya Arya, 9-D
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Strained, pained Looking out of my gilded cage; Wishing I could escape from myself, If even for a day. The dead ...
Selfish by Sarah Mulla, 12-B
Lost in a sea of thoughts Thoughts of the slant of your nose, the curves of your lips, And the words they spill. Lost in a sea of ...
Time-(sonnet) by Sargun Baljeet, 9-B
Time and tide wait for none Value of time is something we should learn For once it slips by, it cannot be undone Early, the value of ...
Is it that hard to manifest the NEEDED? , by Tanaya Sharma, 12-B
Ages ago, people ago, did we see everyone the same? de facto by now, do we see everyone as same? Or it was and is all just a ...
Grandparents, a poem by Salman Rashid, 6M
The most virtuous people on earthThe most soothing faces I have seen since birth.The only religion they teach is TruthThey steer ...
Dear Water, a poem by Sashini Manikandan, 9H
A many-armed omnipotent goddessTakes an avatar to suit her peopleShe doesn’t think high of herself, she’s too modestThat doesn’t mean ...
A Drop of Life, a poem by Sashini Manikandan, 9H
One drop of itIs an elixirFor a dying manEven a dying plant It can bring hope to manyBy the mere sight of itIt never brings ...
Mother, A Poem by Sashini Manikandan, 9H
When I stepped into this world,Selfishness and Greed infected meBut she Protected me from all dangers hurledShe told me, “You’ll rise ...